The RVBBL (Rogue Valley Blood Bowl League) and Astral Games present:
The 2009 Astral Cup
The Astral Cup Blood Bowl Tournament will have room for up to 24 teams.
The Tournament will operate under the LRB5 rules. (Available here as free download from GW)
Starting Team Value will be 1,000,000GP
Games will be schedule based (schedule to be determined by a random draw), plus playoffs.
Entry fee is $10 product buy-in at Astral Games in Medford, OR.
Each $10 spent will provide 1 raffle ticket. A Maximum of 5 tickets earned from buy-in.
Additional tickets can be earned during the tournament based team performance, painting, and sportsmanship.
Prizes will be awarded for top 3 teams, plus raffle. (All prizes in store credit)
Tournament length will depend on the number of participating teams, estimate 7-10 weeks.
Tournament games will take place on Wednesday nights at 6:00 PM beginning on 9/9/09.
Astral Games is hosting 3 pre-season events (Sunday 8/23/09 @ 2PM, Sunday 8/30/09 @ 2PM, and Wednesday 9/2/09 @ 6PM)
The last day for Tournament Sign-up will be 9/2/09 (by the end of the pre-season event)
RVBBL Co-Commissioner - Creative Carnage
Friday, August 7, 2009
Announcement - Blood BowlAstral Cup 2009
Posted by Creative Carnage at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Astral Cup, Blood Bowl, RVBBL, Tournament
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Eldar - 1750 Point Tournament List
Here is the Eldar List I ran for the 1750 point tournament
1 Eldrad Ulthran @ 210 Pts
Seer Council on Jetbikes @ 516 Pts
1 Farseer w/ Jebike, Doom, Fortune, Runes of Warding, Spirit Stones, Singing Spear
5 Warlocks w/ Jetbikes, Destructor
1 Warlock w/ Jetbike, Enhance, Singing Spear
6 Rangers @ 114 Pts
Dire Avengers @ 150 Pts
8 Dire Avengers
1 Dire Avenger Exarch w/ Defend, Power Weapon, Shimmershield
Harlequin Troupe @ 214 Pts
4 Harlequins w/ Harlequins Kiss
2 Harlequins w/ CCW
1 Harlequin Shadow Seer w/ Harlequins Kiss
1 Harlequin Troupe Master w/ Power Weapon
Howling Banshees @ 155 Pts
7 Howling Banshees
1 Howling Banshee Exarch w/ Acrobatic, Executioner
Fire Dragons @ 163 Pts
7 Fire Dragons
1 Fire Dragon Exarch w/ Tank Hunters, Firepike
Dark Reapers @ 227 Pts
4 Dark Reapers
1 Dark Reaper Exarch w/Crack Shot, Fast Shot, Eldar Missile Launcher
Posted by Creative Carnage at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: Army List, Eldar, Tournament, Warhammer 40K
1750 point Tournament.
My local FLGS, Astral Games, hosted a 1750pt 40K Tournament on August 1st. Once again the tournament was very well run and had some interesting scenarios.
1st Place - Mitch (Orks)
2nd Place - Luke (Chaos Space Marines)
3rd Place - Me... (Eldar) will post list later.
I believe that this was the fourth consecutive tournament win for Mitch's Orks mob... including the 'ard Boyz qualifying event.
I took more pictures than this, however without the flash they got pretty blurry... so here are a couple of the pictures from the event that mostly came out ok.
Posted by Creative Carnage at 10:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: Eldar, Tournament, Warhammer 40K