Current Official Rogue Valley Blood Bowl League (RVBBL) Rosters
Bad Habits - Amazon (Nuns)
Barnyard Basturds - Skaven
Beady Eyed Scum - Skaven
Bone Crushers - Ogre
Creative Carnage - Orc
Crimson Kings - Vampire
Dark Chargers - Dark Elf
Dwarflings of D'Irwindane - Dwarf
Eco Shadows - Wood Elf
Hochland Harriers - Human
Keg Bearers - Dwarf
Killer Kaos Kows - Chaos Dwarf
Maggot Bread - Orc
Mirkwood Maulers - High Elf
Morley's Revenge - Orc
New Lizards - Lizardman
Oatmeal Stout - Chaos Dwarf
Ospreys - Human
Pressure Drop - Slann
Ravagers - Norse
Red Tide - Amazon
Risen Raiders - Necromantic
Royal Tantum Bombs - High Elf
Shifting Horrors - Nurgle
Skavenblight Scramblers - Skaven
Tarteron Slashers - Chaos
The Enlightening - High Elf
The Karnak's Death Dealers - Chaos
The Stronghold - Dwarf
Tree Huggers - Wood Elf
Z's Transmog'd Furries - Elf
Teams Retired by their Owners
Chossen Ones - Lizardman
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
3 weeks ago