Our local FLGS in Southern Oregon hosted another tournament a couple of weeks ago. 1250 points games stop at 1.5 hr (finish current game turn). It was a 3 round tournament.
I played a modified version of my 1000pt list (I will post the new list soon) and once again had a great deal of fun at the tournament. Gork and Mork cast their favor on another at this event which was won by an Ork player... I finished 15th out of 17 players.
Round 1 vs Eldar - Minor Loss...
Power Klaws could not damage my opponents Wraithlord or Avatar (the only units he had left at the end of the game)
Round 2 vs Tyranids - Minor Victory...
Again with the damned Monstrous creatures... I managed to eek out a victory with my opponent having a Carnifex and Hive Tyrant left on the table... with a total of 4 wounds remaining.
Round 3 vs Blood Angels - Minor Loss...
This game was played against my best friend (known each other for nearly 25 years). This was his first time playing his Blood Angels and he did pretty good (7th out of 17). I helped his cause significantly by making a couple of big mistakes at various points in the game regarding unit movement. His first two assaults were each in range by less than 1 inch... and in both cases I had moved those units just a little closer to him the turn before. It was a very close game that came down to a single kill point at the end.
The tournament was very well run, things were kept moving in a timely fashion and the scenarios were very interesting. I do think that the scenarios were skewed towards assault based armies. (my Orks were a bit on the shooty side as you can see once it is posted)
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
3 weeks ago
Any pictures?
Unfortunately no pictures... I am hoping to be able to take pictures at the next event.
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