Here is the Schedule for the Astral Cup 2009 Finals.
Playing for the Astral Cup
The Stronghold (B1) vs. Oatmeal Stout (B2)
Playing for 3rd place
Z's Transmog'd Furries (A1) vs. Creative Carnage (B3)
Any team that is not participating in the playoffs is encouraged to show up and play against other non-playoff teams. Commissioner will help arrange games.
Also, there will be pizza provided for the tournament participants. There will be raffle drawings for the tournament participants at the conclusion of the final games, and an award for the best painted team (11 player minimum)
I look forward to seeing everyone there... this has been a great tournament.
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
3 weeks ago
Hey, I'm part of an organization name GZR that host Anime and Video Game Conventions, Tournaments, Contest, Interviews and Reviews, and more events. We are currently looking for feedback and people who share a common interest in either anime or video games (if not both). Part of our feedback is finding out from the gamers which games they play? Also if they've ever played competitively for any game, and if so, which games? Thank you so much for reading this and we hope to hear a response from you soon.
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